主题 : 在家也是佛追随者
作为修行者,最大的承诺就是为救度一切父母有情证悟大觉果位而精进修行。一旦出现懈怠,说明我 ..
级别: 至尊会员
UID: 384370
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发帖: 2770
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在线时间: 8458(时)
注册时间: 2023-09-18
最后登录: 2024-09-22
楼主  发表于: 2024-01-07 15:29

0 在家也是佛追随者

[color=var(--weui-brand)]我們對聖人的學習取決於實施,所以我們不能在事情上無所事事。你如何修復和改進。我們在日常生活和工作中實施聖賢的教導。如果你在家裡是佛教徒,你會在家庭中樹立榜樣,尊重你的父母,與丈夫和妻子和諧相處,並愛你的兄弟姐妹。在工作中要忠誠和盡職盡責。通過遵守紀律和法律,成為社會上的好公民。這是為了為公眾樹立榜樣。[color=var(--weui-brand)]Our learning of sages and sages depends on implementation, so we cannot do nothing in matters. How do you repair and improve. We implement the teachings of sages and sages in our daily life and work. If you are a Buddhist at home, you will set an example in your family, respect your parents, live in harmony with your husband and wife, and love your brothers and sisters. Be loyal and dutiful in work. To be a good citizen in society by observing discipline and law. This is to set an example for the public.
有無限的方法,它經常使用八萬四千種方法來表達自己。 事實上,它們都是根據教學對象的根來教授的,所以內容是不同的。我們必須在生活中積攢仁慈,否則你將沒有運氣,物質生活將特別困難。 所謂福與智兼修,就是在智慧中進步。 我們學習的最終目的是開拓智慧,發展內在的美德和能力,恢復我們的本性。
[color=var(--weui-brand)]Buddhism has a limitless range of methods. It often uses eighty-four thousand methods to express itself. In fact, they are all taught according to the root of the teaching object, so the content is different. We have to accumulate kindness in our life, otherwise you will have no luck and material life will be particularly hard. The so-called practice of both blessing and wisdom is to make progress in wisdom. The ultimate goal of our study is to open up wisdom, develop the inherent virtue and ability, and restore our own nature.
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